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Old 04-10-2012, 15:23   #1
Full Member

How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????

With the brain cells still only few in number we were blissfully unaware how near to killing ourselves when nippers. I remember (just) walking along the remaining walls of a burnt out factory, about 30ish feet up. Old cars had been pushed into the space between the walls and I told my mates that I could jump down onto the roof of one of them for a "tanner" "go on then," bet made. off I went, the drop lasted forever and it started to dawn that this was stupid just about the same time I hit the roof of the car and my knees went way past my ears and bum hits the roof!!!! The only thing that saved me was the roof giving way and acting as a damper for the fall. Never did get my tanner!
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