Thread: Street Names
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Old 11-05-2013, 19:16   #196
Bob Dobson
Senior Member+

Re: Street Names

Holden St was parallel with Ormerod St and Fountain St and is now occupied by Gllebe, Medina and Jannat Closes. It was likely names after the bloke who built the houses on it - Holden Barnes (1823-81), a contractor who employed 40 men, plus two horses and their two keepers. He lived at 23 Ormerod St. He was likely named Holden after the bloke who fathered him, Henry Holden, who later married the lad's mother. It was common for streets to be named after builders - Hannibal Ramsbottom and Obadiah Booth were in that situation, and Wm (?) Waddington.
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