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Old 22-06-2013, 13:36   #2
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Re: Game of thrones (HBOS)

I have never watched it, although I have seen my adult grandchildren make similar comments about it as you have.

I used to be capable of reading and watching horror and violence. I was an avid fan of Stephen King and Dean Koonz. I ceased being a horror fan when I adopted a stress free policy of living, so that when I see or read it now I find it mentally and physically repellant.

I do not require such images to invade my conciousness. They do stir up an emotional and ,thus a hormonal, bodily response which I find very uncomfortable. An adrenalin increase does you no good at all.

There is even a rather, some consider, outlandish theory that such such negative emotion is provoked in order to be energetically harvested by other dimensional intelligent beings. It is named 'loosh' by an 'out of body experience' researcher named Robert A Monroe (amongst others) - a sort of psychic vampirism.

Whether you consider that possible or not - watching such violence is not physically harmless, so why do it.

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