Thread: BENEFITS hmmmm
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Old 07-02-2014, 15:29   #4
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

I am all for benefits being a helping hand...a safety net, but if am against people being on them for a lifetime.
I really do feel,that being on benefits traps the poor, and the vulnerable. It takes away their dignity, self esteem and self reliance.
I find the Channel 4 program unhelpful, they sensationalise what is a very lamentable situation.....but then if the didn't do that there would be nothing worth watching.
This program, like Jeremy Kyle is toxic TV.

As for the possibility of a program about tax avoiders - well, it is legal to avoid taxes.....and businesses are in business to make money, so of course if there is a chance for them to minimise their outgoings they will take it.
The real problem is that the government know of the loopholes that these companies exploit.
Loopholes that are not available to the likes of you and me.
If the government closed these loopholes, made the likes of Google, Starbucks, Amazon et al pay their rightful dues then there would be enough in the pot to fund everything and sort out the flood defences as well.
And it isn't just this government that are at fault - these loopholes have been used for a long government, of any colour have had the cojones to do the decent thing.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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