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Old 19-07-2014, 19:45   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Children Are They Missing Out?

Wandering home this afternoon behind a woman & her 5 or so year old child.
She was holding tightly to his hand they were having the sort of conversation I remember having with my kids when they were that age.
All of a sudden mummy scolds the child, be quiet now, the track I was waiting for has come on my ipad.
(Until then I hadn't noticed she had earphones on).
Now I know 5 year olds don't really talk a lot of sense, but surely they need their parents to listen and answer no matter how banal the subject is, how else can they progress?

Plus, how much fun is the mother/father missing out on when they prefer listening to so called music rather than an innocent view on the world?
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Winnie the Pooh
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