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Old 06-10-2014, 13:23   #13
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Re: It's not a problem or is it?

This is all bs, probably just brought up in order to agitate the fecal matter ... nothing to do with drugs and booze ... come to think of it, if booze isn't a drug, then what is it? Bottom line is that it's about common sense and responsibility. If you are aware that you have to show up for work at eight ack emma on monday, just don't be quaffing the booze, or toking, or snorting, or hitting at three. Nobody gives ... or should give ... a flying you-know-what about what you do on your time off. Just don't show up for work, or drive, or operate chainsaws when you are still trashed. If you do, you have a problem ... probably one you would have had even if you spent a sober, straight weekend. People who do this are ignorant, irresponsible assholes, drunk or sober.

A sense of responsibility, a large dose of common sense, and an IQ large enough to figure out how to pour water out of a boot without having to read the instructions written on the heel is all you need to manage, or to balance your recreational habits with your work.

I'm having a quiet toke right now ... but all I have to do today is housework, and walk the hound. If I go out to the bar later, I will take a cab there and back. I've already taken my window shaker out ... yes, Summer is gone. So, nothing else I have to do today requires sober concentration.
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