Thread: "Poo dunnit"
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Old 29-04-2015, 08:36   #15
Barrie Yates
Senior Member+

Re: "Poo dunnit"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Sadly, I am old enough to remember when folk used to come out of their houses with a shovel to pick up the deposit from the milk chaps horse, the rag chaps horse and the coal mans was a valued commodity as many folk had allotments and grew their own veg.
You don't see much horse 'feathers' now....unless you live on a route favoured by the horsey set.
I too remember those days Margaret, our road and the footpath (ginnel ?) leading to an adjacent road is a favourite route for the horsey set - a footpath just wide enough for two people to walk through is often covered in horse droppings.
On TV the other day was a young blind lady that had a small pony as a guide instead of a dog - she fitted a bin liner at the rear end of the pony so that any droppings were collected in the bag.
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