Thread: "Poo dunnit"
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Old 05-05-2015, 18:31   #38
Gordon Booth
Senior Member+

Re: "Poo dunnit"

It's your dog and your dog's poo.
You should have to take it home with you and tip it in the loo or put it in your bin so you can have the smell on a hot sunny day.
Why should we have to have poo bins overflowing and stinking. Think of the poor devils who have to empty them and the cost to the council!
Why should we have trees decorated with poo bags?
It's your dog so it's your poo. Take it home!

Don't get me wrong. I'm a dog lover, we've had them all our married lives and I'd love one now. But picking up hot dog poo and walking around with a bag of it- that's one of the things which puts me off the idea! Besides which I'm too knackered to give a dog a proper walk.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 05-05-2015 at 18:39.
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