Thread: Small Beer?
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Old 25-05-2015, 17:59   #14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Small Beer?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Retlaw, you know that I have great respect for you and for the work you do, but I do not believe you are such a petty man as to make an issue of this.
Less was just asking if it was right that some men are singled out while others who gave the same for their country(their lives) are not?
It is a valid question. He was not slighting anything that your Cath has designed at all.
I suppose on the plus side what Accyman has said about the publicity is true....and it does bring to mind sacrifices made by men of this area...but don't you think their deeds have been hijacked somewhat for a commercial enterprise?

If you choose to leave Accyweb for something which is so petty, then you are not the man I took you for. Do not take offence where no offence was meant(or at least that is how I construed the original post).
You are a better person than that.....and why do you feel the need to talk down Accyweb?
If it truly is such a bad place then silently walk away from it.....I for one would miss your input.
Thank you Margaret, I meant no offence to anyone. I leant over backwards in my first post to try not to insult Graham Jones's great grandad, I truely admire what he and others did, I still don't however think anyone out of those men should be put forward for their name on 'small beer', each should be admired for giving their life to make ours safer.
I doubt I could have done the same.
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