Thread: Rugby World Cup
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Old 26-09-2015, 21:35   #1

Rugby World Cup

I know I'm on safe ground.

Not a single thread or post on this site relating to the Rugby Union World Cup.

Apparently we are hosting the thing!. (Did YOU see any build up to it? No. Me neither.)

Its always been one of those sports that completely pass you by. They used to give the results out on Grandstand while your grandma was looking for a pen to take down the footie results at twenty to five,

Nobody surely watched the games? A gang of snooty hooray henrys knocking seven bells out of another team hooray henrys!

A game that has gone so far up its own backside with 'technical rules' that mean the only relevant person on the pitch is the referee. You have to watch him, not the players, to have any ideas what is happening.

Any game that has a 'crucial game' in the World Cup between England and Wales has seriously lost its way in terms of global relevance.

So I'll pass, thank you.
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