Thread: The Swarm!
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Old 10-10-2015, 00:12   #50
Wynonie Harris
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Re: The Swarm!

OK, so Cameron uses the word "swarm" and "the PC 'liberal luvvies' go mad" according to you.

Corbyn responds like this, "The anti-foreigner rhetoric and vocabulary being used by the Prime Minister must be challenged head-on." perhaps not exactly going mad, but not too happy at the use of the word "swarm" either. But apparently he's not PC. OK, I'll take your word on that one.

As for the rest of your views on the immigrant/refugee crisis, I agree wholeheartedly with you (although I expect a majority of Accywebbers wouldn't). That's why I said I've no problem with his musings on the subject. I'm a Guardian-reading liberal remember? I'm just making a wry comment on the similarlities between Accyexplorer's and Jeremy's stance.

As for an alternative, I don't have one, but I'm far from convinced of Corbyn's electoral appeal to the British public (although Cashy is doing his best to convince me otherwise, believe me!) and the idea of ten more years of the Tories gives me nightmares. I'm hoping that Corbyn's success concentrates minds in the Labour party, prompting another leadership election sometime in the next five years and the success of a leader who combines honesty with electablity. Corbyn may possess the first quality, but I don't reckon he has the second.

Incidentally, if you think Accyexplorer's "the biggest wind-up merchant on the forum" you ought to come along one day and see Mr Cashman in action on the Clayton End!
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