Thread: The Swarm!
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Old 28-01-2016, 13:13   #94
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I'm with you completely on this ... and to make such a comment on Holocaust Memorial Day ... And what if Auschwitz were fired up again? Would they still have the "women, children, and elderly first" policy?" Maybe the problem wouldn't be as bad if Europe were still a collection of sovereign states instead of whatever geopolitical mess it has become.
Eric you are right about it being a geopolitical mess.

The open borders of the EU are at fault, but also the political leaders hoping to gain Kudos from inviting those fleeing from their own countries have a lot to answer for.

These invitations have meant that people from all over the middle east and beyond, can gain access to has allowed the possibility of those who would wish us harm to gain access to their target...just by destroying the evidence of who they are and where they hail from.

Yet to say this out loud is to be condemned as a Xenophobe.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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