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Old 10-02-2016, 20:34   #30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Getting rid of Tories ...

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I do not advocate tlking to them Retlaw, because they are not open to discussion. There ideology is vastly different from ours.
I can see what you are saying, but I think the way forward is to make those who want their lands to be free of this cancer(because that is what ISIS is - a cancer of humanity...they have no humanity) to be sent back to fight for the freedoms which they seem to enjoy. The freedom to worship is not denied to them, they are free to live their own lives unhindered in the western let them go back to their countries with this model and regain control over it.

The problems with many of these countries is that we have tried to introduce democracy. This is a concept which they have no grasp on......they only understand tribal rules...those are the rules by which they live...and these rules are centuries behind what we in the west understand..
I express my opinion honestly and openly. I am not racist, I have worked with many races and creeds, I have helped many races and creeds get back their how can I be seen as racist?

That said, I do not believe that it is right for military action to be instigated from the west.
That is not to say that if some middle eastern country instigated military action I would not be in favour of the west offering to help out......but for the west to go in guns blazing and gung ho....NO that (in my humble opinion - what ever that counts for) is foolish and full of danger for the whole world.
Although you are right, it's wrong for us to think that way, of course the males should be prepared to fight for their Country, but then, so should the females, during the last two real conflicts women of both sides proved they could do 'mens work'.
Are we to go back to a men only situation while we have terror that proves the women of that ilk will willingly kill innocents?

I'm afraid that I will and always will say that no matter of gender, if they kill they deserve the maximum, which must be death. (no doubt administered far more humanely than they do it).
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