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Old 17-07-2017, 10:58   #22
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Parental responsibility

Yes, I am the first to admit that there is no 'one size fits all' parenting...and children are not like domestic appliances.
They do not come with instructions or trouble shooting manuals.
All that said, your children are yours you know them best(or should do) you know what turns their screw(and they know what turns yours).
Being one of 7 children, I know that all of us were different...but our parents had strict guidelines and rules which had to be followed...I think this helps as most children need to have some sort of continuity and being consistent is also important.You start off as you mean to go on.
setting ground rules early is(in my opinion) the way forward.

When my daughter came and told me that other parents would let their daughter s do this that and the other...I told her that was their business, not the way I worked.

Children are not like can't guarantee how they will go..even when you do everything 'right'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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