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Old 09-08-2018, 09:22   #1
Senior Member

Grandparents and Contracts???

Here we go again. Those pesky child experts (have they got children of their own I wonder, or do they just try to stuff everyone else’s up) are now advising formal childcare agreements be drawn up between grandparents and parents when the grandparents are being used as babysitters.

Apparently common points of tension between parents and grandparents are stated as being too many sugary treats, too much screen time for older children and disrupting sleep and feeding routines for babies.

Doesn’t mention such things as love and caring which is given in abundance by all the grandparents I know, including us. Of course they get ‘grandma treats’ – so does grandma, though we’re not stupid and know the limits to go to AND they also get good healthy food – but as well the children get undivided attention and lots of things to do. I would say the screen time they get is mainly at home. Formal contract indeed! What an insult.

I wish my mother had been here to enjoy my children and them her – no contract needed. They would have benefitted greatly, and she would have loved every minute of it.
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