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Old 17-01-2019, 13:27   #2274
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Yeh but the Government sent a leaflet to "ALL" households in 2016 Stating This is a once in a lifetime decision! the Government will implement what you decide, which just proves what SODDING LIARS they are.
Yes, for course they did...but Cashy you are wily enough to know that what is said by a politician is subject to THEIR interpretation....which is why it was so important for this crap deal to be rubber stamped because it would have been Brexit in name only....we would still be tied to the EU in perpetuity.

Did you not see JCJunckers face when TM accepted the deal?...he was smiling like a croc that had identified lunch for the foreseeable future.
And I am sure that I spotted somewhere that MBarnier said 'we've got them now'....I have tried to find this, but have maybe this evidence has been removed.

If lowly folk like us can see how ludicrous all this thrutching has been to,get....where are we?
That is not negotiation.
This is NOT all her fault.
She has had to deal with duplicitous snakes in our Palace of Westminster, in British businesses and then there are those in Brussels....who never wanted to relinquish the financial contributions that we pay into this money pit.

I worry that article 50 will be pushed back....or worse, revoked.
I worry that we will be tied up to a Norway style deal where we will be required to pay in, have no say on any laws passed in Brussels and handed down to us,
At the same time being forced to accept free movement.
I worry that the EU will strong arm us into staying inside the EU against the wishes of 17.4 million voters....and they may even make it a condition of staying that we accept the Euro.

The EU are slimy reptiles and I do not trust anything that they promise.
But then, equally I am becoming ever distrustful of those representatives in our own Houses of Parliament.
Yes, it is true...I am a dyed in the wool cynic.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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