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Old 12-06-2019, 16:33   #13
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Free TV licences for the over 75's

Yes....I read that about the stats too.
If the BBC told me it was daylight I would go to the window to check it was telling the truth.
It is one of the most biased of the media.....parroting PC loony left dogma.....and portraying anything else as evil.

On the day the news about this issue broke....the BBC hardly mentioned was a low level piece of news....well until other news channels started reporting it.

I have signed the petition....and the one being carried out by Age UK.....which is a bigger petition.
The elderly are seen as a burden....and much is made of the myth that the current old folk are better off than ever before.....but many are asset rich and cash poor.

A society should be judged on how it treats the elderly...they are the ones that ensured many of the freedoms we enjoy.....and they were the ones who rebuilt the country after two wars and they are being betrayed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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