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Old 10-02-2020, 00:25   #1
Senior Member

Whalley Nab and a tree....

This might seem a trivial question but does anyone know of a very large tree, either in the past or still there, somewhere up Whalley Nab and referred to as The Rookery? My brother-in-law (who lives in Australia) was relating stories of his youth to his grandson and spoke of all the times him and his mates used to go up the nab. He spoke of a massive tree that was called The Rookery because it housed so many rooks which were extremely noisy.

Although they have searched the web and found Whalley Nab on there, there is no mention of this tree. His grandson wants to know more about it and so if anyone can give me any information I would be very grateful and I will pass this on to him. Of course a photo would be a bonus
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