Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 27-03-2020, 15:32   #191
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Re: Corona Virus

Ok, I agree, maybe in the first weeks of March some people began to act a bit stupid. I did imply this
in my post by citing the Freddy Krueger lot, but the last couple of times I've been out either to shop or for exercise,
I haven't seen anyone stripping shelves, abusing staff or bulk buying. I can only relate what I see. You're describing those events as something ongoing as though its mass hysteria. I don't see it now.

'What do you think created the panic buying?' you ask. Well I think you answered your own question when you said this

'Every year people die from the winter flu....last year 1300 people lost their lives from flu....did it make the news?
No....because it was not a worldwide event.'

People accept the risk with flu because, as you say, its no longer a worldwide event. There's a vaccine and everybody takes it for granted that if you're reasonably fit as you get older, you'll make a do. This is different. It's a world health epidemic. A new disease with no known antidote and you ask why people panic. It's down to human nature and not specifically press coverage.

I haven't bought newspapers in many a year so the media is easy to deal with. Don't buy it or switch it off.
'You cannot pick up a newspaper or turn on your TV without reading or seeing reports full of hyperbole regarding the virus.' you say, so you must be reading and watching it all to know that. Finally no, I won't be worrying about what you've posted until it becomes fact.
Finally again, the Conspiracy theory comment was a lousy attempt to lighten the mood a little. Stay safe
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