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Old 17-04-2020, 14:34   #84
Hill Walker
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Re: Isolation calendar.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
apparently, it is OK to drive somewhere to enjoy a country there you are Hill CAN enjoy a moorland is NOT illegal, it is permitted and it is probably a lot safer than going to the supermarket.

You are quite correct for England. Unfortunatly I'm in Wales where the restrictions are somewhat different. They are regulations not recommendations and do have the force of law. See:-

Additionally I'm in the National Park which is closed and all off-road access is currently prohibited to the general public. The lunacy which I referred to was when just before the lockdown started, more people decended on various mountains and beaches in North and Mid Wales than had ever been seen on a single day before. They not only disobeyed what was at the time good advice but blocked many roads (with illegal parking) in a way that would have prevented access by emergency services had they been needed.

One twerp who had to be rescued from a mountain even asked his rescuers "where can I go tomorrow to take photos?'!!!!" see the 2nd incident report:-

I'm sure it was this sort of behaviour that caused Cardiff to introduce a stricter situation than London.
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