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Old 31-08-2021, 14:27   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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A Modern Day Take On Getting Old.

It's slowly dawning on me that I am getting old, nothing to do with the aches and pains of just getting about, or even the fact that if I'm catching a bus then see one in the distance, there is no point running to the stop I just won't make it and would still be gasping for breath by the time the next one arrives.
Nope it's the modern meeja of Facebook that really hurts no longer am I getting friend suggestions of bright young things, what I get instead are suggestions of people that I deleted years ago because they died, well Facebook no thanks I don't believe these folk will answer no matter what medium I use in an attempt to communicate so I'll ignore your suggestions ta.

P.S. Yes Margaret I know you don't Facebook, I do to see what my family are up to, they use it.
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