Thread: The real World
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Old 20-04-2022, 03:26   #8
Senior Member

Re: The real World

As we all know, Taddy, the original Luddites destroyed machinery because the use of it threatened their livelihood, and the modern Luddite does not like new technology in general. Congratulations, therefore, on embracing YOUR new technology and being prepared to give it a go - whether a Luddite or not.

Don’t be scared of the new stuff, if you press a wrong key you won’t blow up the world, you won’t even blow up your computer. You also have the advantage of having someone who can help you if you get stuck.

Do what Margaret suggested and tap into YouTube tutorials…ask Mr Google questions that you might have, experiment, and if you tend to easily forget instructions you can always write them down using the good old pen and paper….ha ha ha ha.

Age should not come into it, you are never too old to learn and to give things a go. I enjoy modern technology and I only use my age as an excuse when it suits my purpose to do so. Gets me out of trouble at times. By the way, Taddy, just as a matter of interest (or not) I can give you a few years as, in bingo jargon, I will be two fat ladies in May.
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