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Old 10-11-2022, 17:10   #39
Senior Member

Wink Re: Prime Ministers et al

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Taddy MSM stands for Main stream media.
They should never be allowed to influence who the democratically elected leader is.
Yes I Know that Sunak was not elected by the electorate to be leader, but he was elected by the party.
The whole house of cards started to shake when the MSM stuck their news in to force a coup on the democratically elected leader….that was Boris Johnson.
Do you think they have regretted it?
If they have it does not show.
The slimy snake made a huge mistake i appointing the arrogant, entitled Gavin Williamson.
He should have his knighthood removed for his bullying and his abusive comment.
This is a government that promised integrity and humility.
That did not take long to bite them on the bum!
Yes, I can understand that Definition but why oh why do we always have to bow down to the "Yanks" who always say "Vic", instead of "Victim", So If it is Main stream then say mainstream, not msm, unless your fingers are getting tired of pressing a few keyboard buttons.
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