Thread: Taxed.
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Old 20-08-2006, 09:13   #31
Apprentice Geriatric
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Talking Re: Taxed.

Don’t forget your National Insurance contributions morgan_brotherz. They too go to pay the ‘low life layabout’ as you put it.

However thanks for tarring everyone with the same brush. I’m sure that the 1.6m unemployed will be gratified to know that they all belong to a particular group - namely ‘low life layabouts’.

By the way who do you think paid for your education and medical expenses so far? You are now paying some of that back.

If this country sucks then find a greener pasture elsewhere.
Sort yourself out you nob.
Was it really necessary to make such a disparaging remark shakermaker? It destroyed the impact of your post.

The problem with taxation is that first of all the government of any colour WASTES huge chunks of it and secondly there are so many different forms of taxation, each with its own administration, that more huge chunks are wasted in collecting the money.

We only need one form of taxation and that is VAT on every single product or service that is bought. Rich or poor we all have to buy things so EVERYONE without exception would pay their share of the tax. The saving on bureaucracy could probably settle the national debt although it would put a couple of million civil servants on the dole. Better to pay them dole than huge salaries. It would be cheaper for us the taxpayer.
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