Thread: Save Energy
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Old 23-10-2006, 13:46   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Save Energy

The government is trying to encourage people to be ‘energy conscious’ in their homes and save energy. Yet it was announced on the news today, that Buckingham Palace will be floodlit from dusk to midnight with low energy floodlights for the duration of the Queen’s reign so that tourists can view the building. The sop to saving energy being the low energy floodlights. Low energy lights or not they still use energy without just cause.

Once again we the general public are encouraged to make sacrifices yet the rich and famous can carry on as before.

Local authorities are discussing the possibility of reducing street lighting or even turning it off after midnight but in their case it is to save money.

If this government is so taken up with saving energy than let the savings be across the WHOLE board not just the general domestic public.

They can start by scrapping the electrified railways and trams except the underground systems. 25% of the power generated to run the railways is lost in transit. A diesel engine using bio fuel will still pull a train at 100 mph.
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