Thread: How Patriotic?
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Old 07-06-2004, 17:04   #35
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Re: How Patriotic?

The national flag represents us as a nation. In the past it represented the brave lads who fought under it on the Somme and also on the beaches in Normandy. It represented an idea of a country where fair play and civility were ideals to be aspired to. It represented a love of culture for it's own sake. It appalls me now to see that it represents a nation in whom the love of culture is limited to some overwieght Italian Tenor screeching that 'none shall sleep' as though this summed up all that it meant to be English. It appalls me that it represents a nation where the ideal of fair play is subsumed to the desire to win at all costs, or we will riot, and where civility is limited to those employed in the service industries.

This urge to display the national flag will disappear shortly, until the next tournament revives the urge, proving that it comes not from love of country, but from fashionable partisanship, which is an entirely different thing.
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