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Old 27-09-2008, 20:47   #30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Photo Competition 52

I admit it,

I Vote For Friends!

Mainly because the people on accyweb in general are my friends.

That doesn't mean I would deliberately ensure that one friend would be favoured over another, usually after I've uploaded a piccy, (might be a bit late for this one I'm afraid of the dark), I look at what is already on, (notice, what not WHO!), then I vote, I will nearer the close of the voting have another look at what is on and decide, is there something I like more than my first choice or am I happy to leave things as they are.

It's nice to see a picture from a close friend at or near the top of the poll but I and most normal people look at the photographs on their own merits not in some, 'mean and spiteful, they can cheat so they must be doing', way, if the butt uploads something worthy of my vote it will get it if it isn't then it won't.

Mick works very hard getting these competitions together and finding prizes, if anyone has problems he goes out of his way to assist all, he doesn't need anybody putting their poisoned views in and ruining yet another section of accyweb.

So please, if anyone else is thinking of turning a fun competition into a dummy spitting contest please for Micks sake don't.

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