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Old 30-10-2009, 17:46   #71
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Re: Voting for Christians in Politics > Reply to Eric

Originally Posted by Alex Ross View Post
Our natural disposition is to sin

Talking of sin, natural or unnatural, I'd like to share a little parable of my own...

It came to pass in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty seven, that I felt compelled to help someone less fortunate than myself.

With the help of a charitable agency I became a Buddy (friend/helper/carer) to a wretched soul. This person had been ostracised from their family, and shunned by their neighbours, because they were suffering from some terrible disease.

At the same time a foolish man was making proclamations that this disease had been sent from God to purge the world of sinners. Sinners who abused narcotics, or lay with members of their own gender.

This greatly confused this poor and sickly person.

They didn't feel as if they were a sinner. They'd married their spouse in a holy place, and had only ever lay with their spouse, and had no carnal knowledge of anyone other than that spouse.

Sadly, this poor woman's husband, thinking he was safe from this disease, because a supposed holy man said it would only attack those sinners who were abusing narcotics, or who lay with members of their own sex, had adulterous relationships with fallen women, from far and wide.

Sadly this women's husband passed away, leaving her totally alone and isolated. Confused as to why God had inflicted this burden on her, when she wasn't one of the chosen sinners.

With great courage and dignity, the poor woman passed away the following year, still at a loss as to understand why she'd been killed by a disease that only affected least according to the then Rev. Kevin Logan.

The moral of the story?

There are sins and acts of evil carried out every day, some by those who choose to hide behind religious masks.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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