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Old 27-08-2010, 12:14   #128
Exile on Spencer St
God Member

Re: FANs not criminals!!!!

However laudable and deserved is the support for Jason, I'm not sure how many magistrates spend time on Facebook.
Find out who's actaully defending him in court and let them know you are willing to act as a witness for defence.

As to the police, if you have a genuine complaint one, use their channels.
Lancashire Police Authority .: Register Views
But don't expect much joy. Without shoulder numbers and documentary evidence, you'll not get far.
Email individual members of the Police Authority, who are supposed to respresent you, not the Police, and ask them to explain how the behaviour on Wednesday night satisfies the Police's pledge to you and me.

But the main thing to remember about this debacle is that throwing till rolls at people on the pitch, if this is what happened, is pretty stupid thing to do. Whoever did it (if at all) has screwed up Jason, not the coppers.
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