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Old 12-02-2011, 19:16   #3
Gordon Booth
Senior Member+

Re: old Burnley Road reservoir site.

You could only see the bank from the road, no-way could you see the reservoir so a photo wouldn't show much.
My father ran the filter station,pumps and looked after the two reservoirs for some years. The bulk of the water, pumped into the top one to settle, came from the Huncoat pit which may have still been open and needed draining. The water was absolutely FULL of black bits, not coal dust, more like bacteria growths-it didn't look drinkeable. After settling in the top one it ran down a long spillway to the bottom one then was pumped up to the filter plants..It looked OK after that. I used to go up there to sunbathe in the school holidays, very private and quiet.
I don't think I have any photos from there but I'll have a look. Whats caught your interest?
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