Thread: The Tories
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Old 06-06-2011, 08:14   #143
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You are still doing it...posting links with one liners.
You want a debate about what good the Tories have done in 13 months........I do not like mud slinging type arguments/discussions, harping back to the past....but in this instance I really do not have a choice.
The last 13 months the coalition government(not the tories) have been trying to clear up the mess left by 13 years of labour chucking money about like it was falling from the sky as rain.
You think that 13 months is time enough to put things right do you? From where I am sitting it seems like you have the better end of the deal prescriptions, free university tuition, free care for the elderly.
SUMO! (shut up-move one) and I mean that most respectfully. We all have to suffer these privations because of bad financial policy - no regulation of the banking industry - the sale of gold reserves at a time when we didn't actually need the a Labour chancellor...just in case you are in any doubt......of course there were global influences in force too, but they were not the whole story.......and the Labour government knew about these 7 months before they actually let on or did anything at all about it.
The open door policy of the Labour government let in people who should not be here.......who have claimed money from the communal pot.
I could go on and on.

And Mancie if you are reading this....these observations do not make me a tory or even anti labour, they just make me someone who can see both sides of the situation.....non of those floating voters that the parties all cosy up to.
Thank goodness somebody with no political allegiance has pointed it out AGAIN, maybe just maybe this guy may just get it in time, but I ain't holding my breath
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