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Old 28-04-2012, 22:58   #197
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Anne. What kind of day have you had?

I am going back to what I have said before-- I was basically saying that people really need to stop classing cannabis with other illegal drugs.

People really NEED(capitals for emphasis) to be properly educated about cannabis. I think of cannabis like I think of alcohol. Both are drugs, both can be bad for you. Used in moderation, both are safe. Well Alcohol is dangerous to those uneducated in its use and then you can get carried away...factually I can't say the same for cannabis(untouched clean source, not plastic and chemicals), since I don't know of any instances where people have died from it.

I have never

Attacked anyone
Robbed anyone
Raped anyone
Burgled houses
Smashed their property for no reason
Beat a woman up
I am not racist, sexist or homophobic-- I have not been accused of racist hate etc

I used to smoke lots of cannabis everyday for 6 years and I never committed any of these crimes. But people are educated to believe that because cannabis is an illegal drug, the users will commit crimes like this. But yet. Alcohol can be the cause of at least 4 or 5 of the above crimes.

*Awaits red karma*

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