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chav1 09-06-2005 22:58

has anyone seen what is happening in zimbabwi on the news

if only they had oil perhaps america and england would help out

for those that dont know

their president is bulldozing whole districts/areas of poor peoples homes who dared to vote against him in their ellection

if that isnt enough he is then gathering up the people he just made homeless and is putting them into camps under arrest

when hitler did this to the jews it was unacceptable

when the zimbabwian leader does it nothing is done exept for the UN making a statement that it is awfull

cashman 09-06-2005 23:00

Re: zimbabwi
funny we only said the same at teatime.

WillowTheWhisp 10-06-2005 07:46

Re: zimbabwi
Mugabe made some comment that they were making the place look untidy and something had to be done about it! Something should be done about him.

Neil 10-06-2005 10:48

Re: zimbabwi
We might as well send in troops and interfere there as well. We do it everywhere else.

T.C. 10-06-2005 13:38

Bit like robbing an OAP of his akkers. Eh

T.C. 10-06-2005 13:42

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by chav1
has anyone seen what is happening in zimbabwi on the news

if only they had oil perhaps america and england would help out

for those that dont know

their president is bulldozing whole districts/areas of poor peoples homes who dared to vote against him in their ellection

if that isnt enough he is then gathering up the people he just made homeless and is putting them into camps under arrest

when hitler did this to the jews it was unacceptable

when the zimbabwian leader does it nothing is done exept for the UN making a statement that it is awfull

Bit like robbing an OAP of his akkers .Eh Chav.

chav1 10-06-2005 14:17

Re: zimbabwi
i dont have any oil so dont count on america helping you out lol :D

unless they want to fight over the contents of my chip pan lol

Sparkologist 10-06-2005 16:35

Re: zimbabwi
The UN are being very spineless and mealy-mouthed about Zimbabwe. Surely Mugabe can be tried in the Hague, for crimes against humanity.

chav1 10-06-2005 17:35

Re: zimbabwi
yes he probably could but unlike iraq zimbabwi dosnt have anything worth our time to go in and fight for

i remember when i was younger on the news about hundreds of people been slaughtered with macheties in a grave yard yet no one went to help

more recently white farmers were murdered and their land taken from them or if they survived they were kicked out of the country and all their money and property confiscated

i think that was africa

my point is nothing ever gets done unless their is somthing in it for the government

they hide behind the pretence that they goto war to save people fron oprression and cruel regiemes yet fail to sort out any problems unless the country has somthing like an oil reserve

big al 12-06-2005 10:14

Re: zimbabwi
Havee friends in nearby Rwanda & it seems the semeticism is starting up there again. The old government troops who were deposed & chased out of the country are carrying out raiding parties & killing up to 200 Rwandan villagers at a time. Expect a return to the bloodshed when the Hutus & Tutsies clashed. Seems like Africa is becoming the continent where life has no value.

Royboy39 06-12-2008 22:08

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 159455)
We might as well send in troops and interfere there as well. We do it everywhere else.

Sorry to bring up an ancient thread but I think we should take note.
Interfence in this country would not be a bad idea.
I love to see healthy kids of whatever race, creed or conviction.
The kids in this nation are starved and neglected because of Magabi.
Franco, El Duche, Hitler and Sadam ran regimes like this and I'ts time this was brought to an end.
We can all be flippant but I would rather see this Tyrant on the end of a rope for the crimes that he and his cronies have commited.
Do you suggest that we smile and the world smiles with you?
God perish the thought. :eek:

Let's not try for a glib answer on on this one....this is serious.

cashman 06-12-2008 22:11

Re: zimbabwi
sorry but i suggest this country sorts its own problems out first.

Royboy39 06-12-2008 22:15

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 657947)
sorry but i suggest this country sorts its own problems out first. are not starving...nor by the grace of God will you ever be.

cashman 06-12-2008 22:17

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 657948) are not starving...nor by the grace of God will you ever be.

true but am pig sick of em pumping money into these places, when pensioners are freezing due to high fuel charges, far as i'm concerned we come first.

Royboy39 06-12-2008 22:22

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 657950)
true but am pig sick of em pumping money into these places, when pensioners are freezing due to high fuel charges, far as i'm concerned we come first.

That has got to be a contadiction in terms.
Your leaders choice.....not mine.

cashman 06-12-2008 22:40

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 657952)
That has got to be a contadiction in terms.
Your leaders choice.....not mine.

rubbish, every leader in my lifetime allocates money to world causes, whatever situation is occuring at home, i'm saying this simply, when summats sadly lacking at home, THAT to me should have priority over owt else.

cashman 06-12-2008 22:50

Re: zimbabwi
Mugabe should have been topped years ago, but thats another issue. today the Archbishop of York is calling fer him to be overthrown, did he do that when the despot was slaughtering people?

steeljack 06-12-2008 23:40

Re: zimbabwi
It's a little bit paternalistic don't you think when you say someone should do something about it , hope you are not suggesting that Africans are incapable of running their own affairs and need the white-man to give them guidence and direction .
The British put him in power , Thatcher danced a waltz with him at Commonwealth Prime Ministers conference celebrations , and folks still say Ian Smith was a bad guy ,
Surprising how quiet ex Labour Minister Peter Hain as been in all this, since he one of the main architects of this debacle.

sorry , this was intended as an answer to Robroys post

Royboy39 08-12-2008 20:43

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 657971)
It's a little bit paternalistic don't you think when you say someone should do something about it , hope you are not suggesting that Africans are incapable of running their own affairs and need the white-man to give them guidence and direction .
The British put him in power , Thatcher danced a waltz with him at Commonwealth Prime Ministers conference celebrations , and folks still say Ian Smith was a bad guy ,
Surprising how quiet ex Labour Minister Peter Hain as been in all this, since he one of the main architects of this debacle.

sorry , this was intended as an answer to Robroys post

OK Cast Iron Johnny....The British did give him power and handed over a country to him that was one of the most well run country on the African continent....He and his cronies have destroyed that country.
The white farmers who knew how to cultivate the land were deposed and the land was taken over by undereducated peasants put there by Magabi and now he kills them if they dont vote to keep him in power.
If Britain was not over commited due to the lack of understanding and scripted lies from the outgoing President of your country maybe we could do something about this maniac ;)

steeljack 08-12-2008 21:10

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 658511)
OK Cast Iron Johnny....The British did give him power and handed over a country to him that was one of the most well run country on the African continent....He and his cronies have destroyed that country.
The white farmers who knew how to cultivate the land were deposed and the land was taken over by undereducated peasants put there by Magabi and now he kills them if they dont vote to keep him in power.
If Britain was not over commited due to the lack of understanding and scripted lies from the outgoing President of your country maybe we could do something about this maniac ;)

And just which African President from the countries surrounding Zimbabwe do you think would allow troops from a previous colonial regime into their country for such a move ? (Political suicide)
Lets be honest about things, Britain, Europe on the whole and the West don't give two hoots for Africa , the only places which seem to be making a bit of success out of things are the former French colonies in west africa who have kept strong links with the Quai d'Orsay (French Foreign Ministry), with none of the Nigerian corruption bull.
I think the last sentance of your post to tangentally put the blame for Zimbabwes problems on George Bush is ludicrous , the guy may not be the sharpest knife in the box , but no way can he carry the can for this , as I have said previously , any blame for Mugabe rests fairly and squarley in Whitehall and the elected British leaders, no doubt the current crop will have more excuses than Nuremberg about how they inherited the problems from previous Govts. but it's still their problem , no running away from it.

Royboy39 08-12-2008 21:19

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 658523)
And just which African President from the countries surrounding Zimbabwe do you think would allow troops from a previous colonial regime into their country for such a move ? (Political suicide)
Lets be honest about things, Britain, Europe on the whole and the West don't give two hoots for Africa , the only places which seem to be making a bit of success out of things are the former French colonies in west africa who have kept strong links with the Quai d'Orsay (French Foreign Ministry), with none of the Nigerian corruption bull.
I think the last sentance of your post to tangentally put the blame for Zimbabwes problems on George Bush is ludicrous , the guy may not be the sharpest knife in the box , but no way can he carry the can for this , as I have said previously , any blame for Mugabe rests fairly and squarley in Whitehall and the elected British leaders, no doubt the current crop will have more excuses than Nuremberg about how they inherited the problems from previous Govts. but it's still their problem , no running away from it.

The blame for Iraq and Afghanistan lies with GWB....If you read the post I said Britain was commited in other regions down to GWB not that GWB was to blame for the problems in Zimbabwi.
I have been round long enough to know the problems in other countries...I have been to most of them.

Royboy39 09-12-2008 21:33

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 658523)
And just which African President from the countries surrounding Zimbabwe do you think would allow troops from a previous colonial regime into their country for such a move ? (Political suicide)
Lets be honest about things, Britain, Europe on the whole and the West don't give two hoots for Africa , the only places which seem to be making a bit of success out of things are the former French colonies in west africa who have kept strong links with the Quai d'Orsay (French Foreign Ministry), with none of the Nigerian corruption bull.
I think the last sentance of your post to tangentally put the blame for Zimbabwes problems on George Bush is ludicrous , the guy may not be the sharpest knife in the box , but no way can he carry the can for this , as I have said previously , any blame for Mugabe rests fairly and squarley in Whitehall and the elected British leaders, no doubt the current crop will have more excuses than Nuremberg about how they inherited the problems from previous Govts. but it's still their problem , no running away from it.

OK smart arse.....and thanks for the you think that this tyrant should be brought to book for his crimes or sit on the fence and have a pot shot at the British attitude....some of us do care.
Read what you like into my post's.
This clown should be deposed and I don't care who does it or how.

bondi38 09-12-2008 21:38

Re: zimbabwi
There is no poor pensioners inthis country they seem to have plenty money to go to bingo both my husband and myself are pensioners and have never been beter off in our lives so there all of you bingo goers every day.

Royboy39 09-12-2008 21:41

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by bondi38 (Post 658774)
There is no poor pensioners inthis country they seem to have plenty money to go to bingo both my husband and myself are pensioners and have never been beter off in our lives so there all of you bingo goers every day.

I think that may be in the wrong thread Marian?

steeljack 09-12-2008 21:47

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 658770)
OK smart arse.....and thanks for the you think that this tyrant should be brought to book for his crimes or sit on the fence and have a pot shot at the British attitude....some of us do care.
Read what you like into my post's.
This clown should be deposed and I don't care who does it or how.

ok , point one .......just because you dont like my opinions is no need to throw your dummy out of the pram and call people names
point two .....whats with "thanks for the red" not sure how you can check , but I'm sure one of the moderators can , I have never sent bad karma to anyone , good karma , yes I send it when I think a reply or comment is worth it .
point three, I agree Mugabe is a open putrid pustule and should be removed , and should have been removed long ago , either by his own people (preferably) or by agents of HMs Govt, seems the British Govt. had no problems sending agents to Spain/Gibralter a few years back to deal with IRA suspects or had no problem with turning a blind eye whilst Saddam Hussien was swinging at the end of a rope (Seem to remember it was Tony Blair who confirmed the existance of WMD to justify the joint invasion of Iraq.

Royboy39 09-12-2008 22:06

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 658777)
ok , point one .......just because you dont like my opinions is no need to throw your dummy out of the pram and call people names
point two .....whats with "thanks for the red" not sure how you can check , but I'm sure one of the moderators can , I have never sent bad karma to anyone , good karma , yes I send it when I think a reply or comment is worth it .
point three, I agree Mugabe is a open putrid pustule and should be removed , and should have been removed long ago , either by his own people (preferably) or by agents of HMs Govt, seems the British Govt. had no problems sending agents to Spain/Gibralter a few years back to deal with IRA suspects or had no problem with turning a blind eye whilst Saddam Hussien was swinging at the end of a rope (Seem to remember it was Tony Blair who confirmed the existance of WMD to justify the joint invasion of Iraq.

If you did'nt send the red them I apologize.

Tony Blair did in fact confirm the existance of WMD. (Bad mistake)
Saddam swinging at the end of a rope....Good.
Topping the IRA in Gibralter. They deserved it and got their just rewards.
I agree that Magabi should be removed by his own people but they have not got the power or resources to do it.

Eric 09-12-2008 22:08

Re: zimbabwi
I tend to agree that Mugabe should be removed; but I don't think that this is the job of the Western Democracies (or fake democracies if you prefer). The people of Zimbabwe should solve their own problems, as should the folks in Afghanistan. I agree with any argument that assigns blame for many of Africa's woes to "colonialism"; I don't agree with using that argument to justify going in with guns blazing, in order to right past wrongs. It might solve some problems, but it will create a hell of a lot of new ones. Look at Iraq. Sure, Saddam swung from the end of a rope; but I don't think anyone can argue that Iraq is better off than it was before GW got a hard on for plalying Commander in Chief. From what I read and hear, I think you guys across the pond have enough problems of your own without worrying about African politics ...

Royboy39 09-12-2008 22:24

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 658785)
I tend to agree that Mugabe should be removed; but I don't think that this is the job of the Western Democracies (or fake democracies if you prefer). The people of Zimbabwe should solve their own problems, as should the folks in Afghanistan. I agree with any argument that assigns blame for many of Africa's woes to "colonialism"; I don't agree with using that argument to justify going in with guns blazing, in order to right past wrongs. It might solve some problems, but it will create a hell of a lot of new ones. Look at Iraq. Sure, Saddam swung from the end of a rope; but I don't think anyone can argue that Iraq is better off than it was before GW got a hard on for plalying Commander in Chief. From what I read and hear, I think you guys across the pond have enough problems of your own without worrying about African politics ...

The UK still pump money into Africa...I would be inclined to say get stuffed....But do we want to say I'm all right Jack'
Colonianlism..............Bull shine.

If Magabi stay's Nothing. I agree with the sanctions.
If Magabi goes....Help Rhodesia to progress.

Eric 09-12-2008 23:03

Re: zimbabwi
I'm not an overly callous person; I'm not insensitive to the human suffering in Zimbabwe and in many other parts of Africa; but, if a workable (hate that word) solution is to be found it has to come from within Zimbabwe ... any form of military intervention to remove Mugabe will not work in the long run ... it will be just like Iraq: win the war and lose the peace.

Just as an aside, an aquaintance of mine, who is a very high profile member of the Canadian Parliament, told me that when GW asked Canada to join the screw up in Iraq, then PM Jean Chretien's very unofficial response was "F... him, does he think I'm as stupid as Blair"

Eric 12-12-2008 19:17

Re: zimbabwi
Heard on the news yesterday that Mugabe declared that there is no cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe:eek: Maybe the western leaders should stand up and declare that there is no recession:mosher: and then all the economic problems would just fade away.

Wynonie Harris 12-12-2008 19:38

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 658795)
"F... him, does he think I'm as stupid as Blair"

Thought that was quite funny...then I thought about all the brave British lads and lasses who have lost their lives because of this grinning idiot's quest for self-glorification and I stopped laughing. :(

Splinter 12-12-2008 22:07

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 659527)
Heard on the news yesterday that Mugabe declared that there is no cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe:eek: Maybe the western leaders should stand up and declare that there is no recession:mosher: and then all the economic problems would just fade away.

Well, he's changed his mind about that:

UK caused cholera, says Zimbabwe

The cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe which has left hundreds dead was caused by the UK, an ally of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has said.
Information Minister Sikhanyiso Ndlovu described the outbreak as a "genocidal onslaught on the people of Zimbabwe by the British".
On Thursday, Mr Mugabe said the spread of cholera had been halted.
But aid workers warned that the situation was worsening and the outbreak could last for months. In his comments to media in Harare, Mr Ndlovu likened the appearance of cholera in Zimbabwe to a "serious biological chemical weapon" used by the British.

He described it as "a calculated, racist, terrorist attack on Zimbabwe".

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | UK caused cholera, says Zimbabwe

cashman 12-12-2008 22:10

Re: zimbabwi
well it aint much different to good old "Tony Blair" saying saddam has weapons of mass destruction.:rolleyes:

lancsdave 12-12-2008 22:13

Re: zimbabwi
Edited because the link broke :-(

cashman 12-12-2008 22:15

Re: zimbabwi
ya lost me with that dave.:confused:

Splinter 12-12-2008 22:15

Re: zimbabwi
Me too.

lancsdave 12-12-2008 22:24

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 659619)
ya lost me with that dave.:confused:

I was trying to paste an image in but it didn't work :D

jaysay 13-12-2008 09:53

Re: zimbabwi

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 659623)
I was trying to paste an image in but it didn't work :D

That's the story of my computer life dave:D

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