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mani 02-10-2006 21:21

Sour Grapes...
I cant believe the usa govt wud pass legislation banning internet gambling esp as british companies dominate that sector yet leave horse and lotto gambling as usa companies are strong in that area due to american laws...

something like internet gamblin is too huge to stop and ppl will over-ride it...

SPUGGIE J 02-10-2006 23:16

Re: Sour Grapes...
Could be the Vegas gambling barons have a lot of clout and wanted it stopped as it was costing them money (protectionism). The only other reason I can see is if large numbers of individuals are becoming bancrupt because of it. My moneys on the first one.

garinda 02-10-2006 23:21

Re: Sour Grapes...
If you ask me that's one of the only good thing he's done.

I'm all for freedom on the internet, but online gambling is just too hard to police, and has been abused by children with their parent's credit cards even here in Hynburn. As well as the untold misery it's probably caused people with gambling addictions, who find this a very easy way to satisfy their craving. Probably sometimes spending money they should be using to fill the bellies of their children.

SPUGGIE J 02-10-2006 23:46

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by garinda
If you ask me that's one of the only good thing he's done.

I'm all for freedom on the internet, but online gambling is just too hard to police, and has been abused by children with their parent's credit cards even here in Hynburn. As well as the untold misery it's probably caused people with gambling addictions, who find this a very easy way to satisfy their craving. Probably sometimes spending money they should be using to fill the bellies of their children.

Someone with a serious gambling problem or addiction if you want will always find a way of getting their kicks. It is like a drug and they need a fix wether by hook or by crook and nothing else matters not even the kids.

garinda 02-10-2006 23:53

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Someone with a serious gambling problem or addiction if you want will always find a way of getting their kicks. It is like a drug and they need a fix wether by hook or by crook and nothing else matters not even the kids.

I agree, but with the ease with which we are all able to get as much credit as we want nowadays, and the need never to leave the house to fuel this addiction, I feel that online gambling for a lot of people only adds to their miseries.

SPUGGIE J 02-10-2006 23:58

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by garinda
I agree, but with the ease with which we are all able to get as much credit as we want nowadays, and the need never to leave the house to fuel this addiction, I feel that online gambling for a lot of people only adds to their miseries.

Cant argue with that. Have we become that materialistic that we are willing to risk all for the thrill of gambling? Win a bit then start to lose and there starts the chase downhill faster than a runaway train. The internet has many blessings but proberly as many curses and gambling is one of the curses.

cherokee 03-10-2006 00:09

Re: Sour Grapes...
I have to agree with Garinda here , If people want to gamble fair enough but I think the internet has made it so much easier to feed addictions , they make it so much easier to part with your money , Even if you havent got any left in the bank , I know this because a friend of mine actually run a £2000 debt up and he didnt have a penny in the bank . where as if you went into the bookies there is no way they would let you gamble without cash up front . get shut or put stricter rules on it is my opinion

Madhatter 03-10-2006 01:12

Re: Sour Grapes...
I'm glad it's banned, it gets people hooked, it's like having a bag of heroin sitting on the table in your living room with your family being there. The consequences of getting hooked on gambling are beyond thinking about, you can loose everything, including your job family and life, once hooked its incredibly difficult to kick the habit, as the drug is everywhere even in the pub, to us a bandit is five minutes fun, to someone hooked its a fix. It's wrong, it's the wrong place for it. a gambling club is ok, you go there on purpose, it's planned and most people are fully aware of what they're going there for and are in control, on the net at home the curiosity factor is all to easy for people who aren't aware.
The only way to kick a gambling addiction is find something else to replace it.

WillowTheWhisp 03-10-2006 08:04

Re: Sour Grapes...
Ooooh MH you're not joining in an AccyWeb witch hunt are ya? ;)

Yes I agree it's too easy to get at gambling sites on the internet. Sometimes even the fun free quiz sites are sponsored by ads from on-line casinos. It's also easy to apply for a credit card online so you could get one and then use it to get deeper and deeper into gambling debt.

SPUGGIE J 03-10-2006 09:43

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Ooooh MH you're not joining in an AccyWeb witch hunt are ya? ;)

Yes I agree it's too easy to get at gambling sites on the internet. Sometimes even the fun free quiz sites are sponsored by ads from on-line casinos. It's also easy to apply for a credit card online so you could get one and then use it to get deeper and deeper into gambling debt.

Witch hunts when where and can I join in? Thought we had to wait for Halloween for that? :rolleyes:

It is the case at the moment that getting credit is as easy as buying your morning newspaper and the companies who provide them are happy because they have nice high intrest rates. These cards can be handy ina an emergency but a killer if in financial strife. Its time that these companies had a set of rules that governed the use of cards by examining spending patterns. They must know who they are paying the cash to and what these companies do and therefore could stop the card before it becomes out of control. Its in the intrest of these companies especially if they want teir mony back plus the intrest that gives them their profits. It can be argued that the person who has the card needs to be responsible yet if they are caught in an addiction like gambling then that will be their downfall.

What safe guards are in place in the oline gambling industry? What rules do they adhere to? Is there any help promoted for those with a problem (dont use these sites so dont know) even in a popup or small advert. The industry needs to realise that they look bad if more and more of their customers (victims) fall into a financial quagmire. As was mentioned earlier in the post its the most vunerable of these peoples families ie children that can suffer as much if not more than the person with the addiction.

Maybe it is time for more ridged controls even in this country to avoid the misery it causes. I am not saying ban it as in the USA but find away to protect all concerned so that they can have their fun but without too heavy a penelty. Even a Super Casino is going to cause problems for some if and when it lands with people "overdoing" it. We know the issues so its about time someone got of ther arthur and did something about it!

andrewb 03-10-2006 10:53

Re: Sour Grapes...
They want to ban online gambling rather than horse racing etc, because it is against their consitution which dosnt allow bets to be placed through telephone wires, I think..

garinda 03-10-2006 11:06

Re: Sour Grapes...
Even though my income is minimal now I still have forty grand credit available on the two credit cards I keep for emergencies. That is besides the numerous letters I have posted to me everyday offering me even more credit that go straight in the bin.

I thank God that the only addiction I have is to Accy Web.

andrewb 03-10-2006 11:36

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by garinda
Even though my income is minimal now I still have forty grand credit available on the two credit cards I keep for emergencies. That is besides the numerous letters I have posted to me everyday offering me even more credit that go straight in the bin.

I thank God that the only addiction I have is to Accy Web.

Roy should start charging, hed make a fortune on you ;)

WillowTheWhisp 03-10-2006 12:24

Re: Sour Grapes...
Hey don't give him ideas - pay to post :confused: :eek: :D

Bazf 03-10-2006 12:27

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by Cyfr
They want to ban online gambling rather than horse racing etc, because it is against their consitution which dosnt allow bets to be placed through telephone wires, I think..

Don't think telephones were around when the constitution was written. May be its because the goverment have a lot of trouble collecting taxes off the on line companies and not off the bookies.

andrewb 03-10-2006 12:47

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by Bazf
Don't think telephones were around when the constitution was written. May be its because the goverment have a lot of trouble collecting taxes off the on line companies and not off the bookies.

Correct :p, but the wire act was introduced in 1961...

garinda 03-10-2006 14:22

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Roy should start charging, hed make a fortune on you ;)

....or more likely being the sensible little bunny that I am, I'd go off and find a forum that was free.;)

andrewb 03-10-2006 14:24

Re: Sour Grapes...
Thats easy to say ;) Just like giving up smoking! ;)

cashman 03-10-2006 14:25

Re: Sour Grapes...
what about online BINGO? thats gambling, if thats included there will be some very angry saddos.PMSL.

garinda 03-10-2006 14:41

Re: Sour Grapes...

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Thats easy to say ;) Just like giving up smoking! ;)

Although not always the most sensible person, I'm lucky in that I've always been able to afford my addictions.;)

Unlike the Oswaldtwistle teenager, who it was reported ran up online gambling debts of nearly twenty thousand pounds, whilst his parents were away for the weekend.:eek:

steeljack 04-10-2006 00:51

Re: Sour Grapes...
the recent U S govt. action banning on-line gambling is just more hypocrisy from the Senate , just giving into pressure from States which allow lotterys, Native American tribes who run casinos on 'indian" land (which happens to be the biggest scam ever) and States which allow gambling provided it is offshore to avoid upsetting the rattlesnake dancing religious nutcases (Mississippi, allows casinos on huge pontoon barges attached to the shore by gangplanks) , If the operators of on-line gambling had spent more on lobbyists it wouldn't have been a problem .

Just like the old saying .........We have the best politicians money can buy .

SPUGGIE J 04-10-2006 01:11

Re: Sour Grapes...
In the UK we bung the polititions and fitba managers but we are still amatuers compared to those in the USA. Mind you we must be close when it comes to hipocracy though. :o

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