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Bazf 19-10-2006 11:49

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow

Imagine this – the year is 2030 and global warming has taken a hold with a vengeance. Sea levels have risen drowning many coastal towns. The world’s oil has all but run out and to make matters worse the coastal nuclear power stations are under water and thus useless.

Completely off topic :confused: maybe you should read what you write instead of trying to belittle people that join in your one sided discussions and rantings.

Mancie 19-10-2006 12:08

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow
Garinda wrote
"I've written before how I lived in the only house in Ossy which had electricity in the blackouts in the seventies, thanks to a windmill on the garage roof that my Dad knocked up out of an old church pew, a wheelchair and some drainpipe."

:) Now that is genius!

garinda 19-10-2006 16:25

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Mancie
Garinda wrote
"I've written before how I lived in the only house in Ossy which had electricity in the blackouts in the seventies, thanks to a windmill on the garage roof that my Dad knocked up out of an old church pew, a wheelchair and some drainpipe."

:) Now that is genius!

That's nothing. Our first swimming pool was built without the need for an expensive skip. Think escape from Colditz, and dumping the extracted clay all over the fields behind our house. Or the fact that it was solar powered. Which had been constructed out of old wooden bread trays, which had been painted black, and lined with tin foil.:eek: :D

jimmi5bellies 19-10-2006 16:39

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow
God !!! im bloody bored today !

bullseyebarb 20-10-2006 21:06

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow
Thank you Bazf and entwisi. Finally, some folks on this site who haven't bought all the hype! I've posted before on this subject and linked to several sites on the subject of global warming. If one believed the media reports, one would think the debate was over. In fact, it hasn't really begun yet.

entwisi 20-10-2006 21:10

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow
I must admit it doesn't help with your countrymen buring oil faster than the beer goes at an accyweb meet :D

Kyoto? wheres that then???? :D :D :D :D

bullseyebarb 20-10-2006 21:27

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow
Kyoto is perfect if you want to cripple your economy. I don't think the signers of same have been able to meet their obligations, have they? Meanwhile, the Chinese and Indians are puffing away. Yep, we Americans use a lot of energy - but then we produce a heck of a lot of stuff. I believe we export more wheat than any other country, for example. And our technology is cleaner - and improving all the time. We have more than enough fuel.....oil, natural gas, shale, etc., Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get at it due to stupid regulations. And God forbid we should build more nuclear power plants! I'd like for us to be energy independent - whether it's with current methods or renewables. We are sending too much money to the Middle East and elsewhere and, in essence, funding terrorists. Dry that up and what will the Arabs have left? Not a hell of a lot.

SPUGGIE J 20-10-2006 22:54

Re: It’s Almost Tomorrow

Originally Posted by entwisi
I must admit it doesn't help with your countrymen buring oil faster than the beer goes at an accyweb meet :D

Kyoto? wheres that then???? :D :D :D :D

Thats a terrible accusation to level at the meet bevvying members. :p ;)

I thought Kyoto was a computer game. :o

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