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jaysay 05-02-2008 08:57

What are you giving up
Tomorrow is the start of lent, I know this is a religious thing, but a lot of people tend to give things up just as a challenge, I'm going to try and give up cursing and swearing, very time I see something really annoying either on TV or in the press, how long it will last I don't know. So what will you give up and how long will you stick it out

flashy 05-02-2008 08:58

Re: What are you giving up
i would give up sex but i aint that strong willed ;)

Neil 05-02-2008 09:07

Re: What are you giving up
I don't do the God thing so I shall be giving up nothing

jackyalex 05-02-2008 09:15

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 526989)
Tomorrow is the start of lent, I know this is a religious thing, but a lot of people tend to give things up just as a challenge, I'm going to try and give up cursing and swearing, very time I see something really annoying either on TV or in the press, how long it will last I don't know. So what will you give up and how long will you stick it out

the thing is, if you deprive yourself of something it makes you want it more so you tend to give in, so you will probably find yourself swearing even more :D

Lolly 05-02-2008 09:53

Re: What are you giving up
I'm giving up alcohol. Should be fun considering I work in a pub! lol.

cashman 05-02-2008 10:23

Re: What are you giving up
i,m giving up brain sugery this time.:D

mrskitty 05-02-2008 10:43

Re: What are you giving up
Shouting....i only recently started to shout at poor Jack (p.m.t) and i hate it so hopefully il stop shouting for lent and by the time lent is over i would have got out of the habit.

panther 05-02-2008 10:53

Re: What are you giving up
emmmm:rolleyes:.....well iv given up smoking...given up the fatty foods.....dont drink much what else is there to give up??
i know what,.. ill give up, giving up;)

and ill try to be nice to people who irritate the hell out of me:rolleyes::D

cashman 05-02-2008 11:50

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by panther (Post 527056)
emmmm:rolleyes:.....well iv given up smoking...given up the fatty foods.....dont drink much what else is there to give up??
i know what,.. ill give up, giving up;)

and ill try to be nice to people who irritate the hell out of me:rolleyes::D

the last ones a bit much.:D;)

jambutty 05-02-2008 12:00

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 526989)
Tomorrow is the start of lent, I know this is a religious thing, but a lot of people tend to give things up just as a challenge, I'm going to try and give up cursing and swearing, very time I see something really annoying either on TV or in the press, how long it will last I don't know. So what will you give up and how long will you stick it out

It’s bad enough the government trying to screw us down without religious fanatics suggesting that we give something up for Lent.

I’ll give something up for Lent when the various churches give up some of their wealth to really help the poor.

flashy 05-02-2008 12:11

Re: What are you giving up
JB stop being a miserable git, do you actually ever have a nice word to say about ANYTHING? christ is Darwen REALLY that bad?

blazey 05-02-2008 12:19

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 527114)
JB stop being a miserable git, do you actually ever have a nice word to say about ANYTHING? christ is Darwen REALLY that bad?

I gave up going to Darwen for lent 2004 :D

I was going to give up fizzy drinks but that seems pointless because I know it wont be permenent, so i need to give mine a bit more thought I think. I've always been pretty good so I haven't got much to give up really. Maybe I should give up indulging on food, I buy a lot of food and just stock my fridge up when I dont really need to.

Bonnyboy 05-02-2008 12:27

Re: What are you giving up
Religion doesn’t really play a part in my daily life, nothing will be given up here, I’ll just cart on as per usual.

Doug 05-02-2008 14:01

Re: What are you giving up
I've now't worth giving up......

a_stanley 05-02-2008 14:05

Re: What are you giving up
I might as well give up on sex as it's that long since I last had it (my gfriend is in another country and not seeing her til Easter!).

cashman 05-02-2008 14:07

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by Doug (Post 527175)
I've now't worth giving up......

what about all the swag from that ship down your way?:D;)

Acrylic-bob 05-02-2008 14:20

Re: What are you giving up
As I recall, the Lenten fast is supposed to put christians in mind of the forty days jesus spent fasting in the desert prior to his death at the hands of the Romans. It is generally believed that to attempt a complete fast for such a period would ultimately result in illness and death for the average human and so the church suggested a token; meat.

This is why we have Shrove Tuesday in this country, which was the day on which housholds used up their eggs and milk, and why continentals have Carnival; from the latin "CARNE VALE" (farewell to flesh).

Because of its intimate association with christianity I cannot see why people of no particular belief would want to indulge in this archaic pastime.

Since I am not preparing for immanent self-sacrifice and have no messianic mission, I do not feel constrained to emulate jesus and so the Acrylic household will, as usual, ignore Lent, apart from the occaisional indulgence in the Bach St Mathew Passion.

I noticed this morning that the increasingly ridiculous and irrelevant Bishop of Liverpool suggested that we should give up a light bulb for lent; to show our concern for the planet.

Doug 05-02-2008 14:20

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 527179)
what about all the swag from that ship down your way?:D;)

Ok, ok I’ll give up the soggy Penguins, but only if a certain Accywebber gives all the sailors back….:D

blazey 05-02-2008 14:30

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by a_stanley (Post 527178)
I might as well give up on sex as it's that long since I last had it (my gfriend is in another country and not seeing her til Easter!).

Sounds like something my boyfriend would say, except im not in another country :cool:

LancYorkYankee 05-02-2008 16:46

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 527002)
I don't do the God thing so I shall be giving up nothing

In my opinion (or more accurately in my belief), this is not a God thing. Just another man-made religious creation. Probably ordained by Pope Boniface XXXVI in 1583. Goes along with no meat of fridays, priest's not allowed to marry, hail marys, pergatory, etc., etc., etc., etc..


flashy 05-02-2008 16:56

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by Doug (Post 527190)
Ok, ok I’ll give up the soggy Penguins, but only if a certain Accywebber gives all the sailors back….:D

:rolleyes: daddy :eek:

blazey 05-02-2008 17:51

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob (Post 527188)
As I recall, the Lenten fast is supposed to put christians in mind of the forty days jesus spent fasting in the desert prior to his death at the hands of the Romans. It is generally believed that to attempt a complete fast for such a period would ultimately result in illness and death for the average human and so the church suggested a token; meat.

This is why we have Shrove Tuesday in this country, which was the day on which housholds used up their eggs and milk, and why continentals have Carnival; from the latin "CARNE VALE" (farewell to flesh).

Because of its intimate association with christianity I cannot see why people of no particular belief would want to indulge in this archaic pastime.

Since I am not preparing for immanent self-sacrifice and have no messianic mission, I do not feel constrained to emulate jesus and so the Acrylic household will, as usual, ignore Lent, apart from the occaisional indulgence in the Bach St Mathew Passion.

I noticed this morning that the increasingly ridiculous and irrelevant Bishop of Liverpool suggested that we should give up a light bulb for lent; to show our concern for the planet.

I'm a catholic. I like the idea of giving up a light bulb, but it's hardly on a personal enough level to make that my 'sacrifice' if you may. We could do like the muslims do and eat just when its dark I suppose, though I'm not too sure whether a day time fast would be the right thing for me either.

I'm still thinking, I'm sure I'll think of something appropriate soon.

Doug 05-02-2008 17:59

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 527263)
:rolleyes: daddy :eek:

Shut up, and get ta bed. :dummy:

lindsay ormerod 05-02-2008 18:18

Re: What are you giving up
No religion Chez Ormerod, plus with the rate our light bulbs are going we need every last one. If I had to make a pledge to give up summat ( aside form the sex bit , sad singleton that I am ! ) it would be to stop taking on other people's pets ; we now have a menagerie of daftly named animals, none of which I actually bought, I must have mug writ large on my forehead !:)
(For the sad amongst you the animals are 3 rabbits- Toffee, Truffle and Fudge, 2 hamsters- Bill and Bob, 1 guinea pig -KP and 2 cats Mooney and Eric.) :rolleyes:

Eric 05-02-2008 19:30

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 527043)
i,m giving up brain sugery this time.:D

Bad idea ... have the surgery .... it will help bring you back to normal:D

panther 05-02-2008 19:38

Re: What are you giving up
well iv decided to give up nowt!
im not religious so why bother:rolleyes:

time for a biscuit me thinks:D

Acrylic-bob 05-02-2008 20:10

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by blazey (Post 527286)
I'm a catholic. I like the idea of giving up a light bulb, but it's hardly on a personal enough level to make that my 'sacrifice' if you may. We could do like the muslims do and eat just when its dark I suppose, though I'm not too sure whether a day time fast would be the right thing for me either.

I'm still thinking, I'm sure I'll think of something appropriate soon.

As usual, contrary mary picks up exactly the wrong end of the stick and runs with it. I find it difficult to decide whether this surreal approach to life is an affectation or an indication of something altogether more serious. I really must have a word with prof. Wellings about the standard of his undergraduates.

Eric 05-02-2008 20:16

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee (Post 527256)
In my opinion (or more accurately in my belief), this is not a God thing. Just another man-made religious creation. Probably ordained by Pope Boniface XXXVI in 1583. Goes along with no meat of fridays, priest's not allowed to marry, hail marys, pergatory, etc., etc., etc., etc..


Maybe it has more to do with the time of year. In the middle ages ... that's the time when everyone was fifty ... the food that was stored for winter was giving out at this time of the year; so, it is easier for people to fast when there was very little to eat. Perhaps it put a religious spin on the inevitable hungry times; maybe made people feel good about the bad times. It would be difficult to get people to fast at an all you can eat buffet, but much easier to get them to hold off eating if all that is available is a shrivelled up wiener (no filthy comments Flashy) and a piece of last weeks pizza.

Neil 05-02-2008 20:21

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 527114)
christ is Darwen REALLY that bad?

Yes, have you never been?

Less 05-02-2008 20:36

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee (Post 527256)
In my opinion (or more accurately in my belief), this is not a God thing. Just another man-made religious creation. Probably ordained by Pope Boniface XXXVI in 1583. Goes along with no meat of fridays, priest's not allowed to marry, hail marys, pergatory, etc., etc., etc., etc..


Of course it's a God thing, it's just not your God thing, like Christmas it was Hi-jacked by the Christians to fit neatly, (cough, cough), where they need an example, there have always been Pagan feasts and I would imagine very enjoyable until somebody that thinks sticking a bloke on a cross making him suffer, then making sure that anyone that follows any other religion is persecuted to the point of death unless they agree to take him as their saviour.

But don't worry about it, because every other faith that supports the idea of an omnipresent being is doing the same, so it must be right!

shillelagh 05-02-2008 20:47

Re: What are you giving up
BBC NEWS | England | Lent fast to cut carbon emissions

Thats what the bishops are after cutting your carbon emissions

Me what can i give up for lent - well seeing as spugs gone back up the road i can safely say sex seeing as he wont be down for a bit.

flashy 05-02-2008 20:47

Re: What are you giving up

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 527398)
Yes, have you never been?

of course, Richard lives there :rolleyes:

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