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WillowTheWhisp 29-06-2004 08:31

McDonalds in Moscow
Seeing as how you live in Moscow Roy I was wondering if you could tell us what McDonalds is like over there? Is it popular?

Busman747 29-06-2004 21:23

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
I can vaguely remember it being reported in the papers that when the first Mc Donalds opened in Russia it cost a small fortune, but was so popular,they would queue outside in the streets! I hope they have aquired better tastes now.

By the way Willow, does your emoticon show that "secret ingredient" in a Mc.Donalds burger??

WillowTheWhisp 29-06-2004 21:26

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Just think how deprived of western things they must have been before they got McDonalds tho.

lol that little chap keeps the sign so clean the birdpooh just slides off.

Gobsmacked 30-06-2004 07:12

Re: McDonalds in Moscow

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Just think how deprived of western things they must have been before they got McDonalds tho.

And just think how disillusioned they must be now they have them!

Roy 30-06-2004 08:40

Re: McDonalds in Moscow

Seeing as how you live in Moscow Roy I was wondering if you could tell us what McDonalds is like over there? Is it popular?
Yes McDonalds is very popular over here. The wife says it is because it is so cheap that everyone can afford to go there for some fodder. Although they don't go often. The wife also went to the opening of the first McDonalds in Moscow which is near Pushkin Square, she queued with the rest of them for something like 6 hours to get the first taste of the western way! Can you believe that?? One of my friends here installs kitchens in McDonalds and last year they opened their 100th Mcdonalds in Moscow, so you don't have to queue anymore!

AccyStanFan 30-06-2004 15:32

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
what do they call a quater pounder wiv cheese in moscow?

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 15:39

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Junk, same as here

Roy 30-06-2004 16:07

Re: McDonalds in Moscow

what do they call a quater pounder wiv cheese in moscow?
Royal Cheeseburger, the same as they call it in Europe. They didn't have quarter pounds so it would mean nothing to 'em!

KIPAX 30-06-2004 16:15

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
I prefer tealeafs answer :)

AccyStanFan 30-06-2004 16:17

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
gotta luv pulp fiction though :)

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:19

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Yeah, and we all know what happened to last Royals the Russians had..lined up against a wall - shot - and dumped down a well. Problem is you could'nt do that with a Macdonalds - it would poison the water supply.

KIPAX 30-06-2004 16:23

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Anyone see the Michal Douglas film ..Falling Down.

He ggoes into a burger bar.. orders a burger and when he looks at it he looks at the picture above the counter... compares the two and then pulls out an uzi... class

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:26

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
That film is on BBC 3 it & learn your lesson. That's what Mac's do to you.

AccyStanFan 30-06-2004 16:28

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
just spoilt it for me kipax :)

Mick 30-06-2004 16:29

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
what time is it on tealeaf?

Mick 30-06-2004 16:30

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Hey now there is a first Kipax and Tealeaf agree on something hehe

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:32

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
We agree on quite a few things, getting rid of Sven (He probably eats Macdonalds)

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:33

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Piccy is 9pm...

lettie 30-06-2004 16:39

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
100 McD's in Moscow!!!! good grief.... :eek: I remember being in Varna (Bulgaria) 1999 ish and they opened a McD's there. People were queueing round the block to get in, wonder how many they've got now??
Personally, can't stand the stuff, it's worse than tripe... :)

Mick 30-06-2004 16:44

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Thanks tealeaf i will be watching

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:44

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
Nowt wrong with tripe (once you learn to stomach it).....I'm sure tripe contains the highest protein content of all meats (something you might be interested in if you're on the Aitkins diet)

Anyway, I thought you were a Donner Kebab girl? I wonder how many of those are in Moscow? None, I expect...banned on health grounds (which Mac's should invariably be, but then again Mac's can afford to pay the bribes)

Roy 30-06-2004 16:50

Re: McDonalds in Moscow

Anyway, I thought you were a Donner Kebab girl? I wonder how many of those are in Moscow? None, I expect...banned on health grounds (which Mac's should invariably be, but then again Mac's can afford to pay the bribes)
Kebab shops are about, but they are called Shauma over here. McDonalds over here is actually quite interesting. You see, the Mafia run them.. or should I say several mafia groups run different areas McDonalds and so there are McDonalds wars! People blowing them up, machine gunned windows to scare everyone and stuff like that!

Some McDonalds are actually suspicously quiet, and in the middle of knowhere.. Now why would they do that I wonder? ;) Also, nearly all of them are open 24 hours a day.. but never serve breakfast...

Tealeaf 30-06-2004 16:55

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
[QUOTE=Roy]! People blowing them up, machine gunned windows to scare everyone and stuff like that!


Lets face it, they deserve a good machine-gunning.

Mick 30-06-2004 16:58

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
People blowing them up, machine gunned windows to scare everyone and stuff like that!
Its probably there public health doing it !

Mick 30-06-2004 17:01

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
But i must hold my hand up and say i did have a Mc donalds with less last sat in Blackburn
but it was a emergancy we were both starving so please forgive our foolish act

Stanley4Life 30-06-2004 17:18

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
nice in bulgaria init lettie

ShortStuff 30-06-2004 19:36

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
I have to admit I had McD's last night. Any sane person knows it's very bad for you and a meal only fills you up for an hour or so.........but you just get these cravings sometimes that only a McDonald's burger can satisfy.

When I went to America - the McDonald's burgers were made from proper meat and if you paid for a soft drink, they gave you a cup and then it was self serve - you can go back as often as you liked! (They also had baby alligators in a fish tank where you were eating - but I'm not sure what that was all about!)

WillowTheWhisp 30-06-2004 21:08

Re: McDonalds in Moscow
They have proper meat in America? Why don't we have the same here?

Do they have the same menu range in different countries? I've only ever been to McD here in England but I do remember before we had imaginative things like chicken Mcnuggets someone who had just come back from the USA told me about them and I wondered why we didn't have them here.

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