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Margaret Pilkington 04-07-2023 07:54

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Ryewolf that is spot on.
They also get paid for doing illness prevention issues. Hence the reason why women get called for smears, the invite certain sectors of their patients for MOT’s….certain sectors are called for heart checks, blood pressure checks, respiratory checks, diabetic clinic.
The list goes on and on.
The practice you and I are at also has doctors who are not at work because they are lecturing at Manchester Universities…now they do not do that from the goodness of their hearts.
Looking after the people wha are I’ll and need them falls low on the list of economic opportunity.
The set up is all wrong, but the GP’s are not employed by the NHS….they are working for the NHS but as a sub contractor.

Margaret Pilkington 04-07-2023 09:40

Re: Over worked doctors ?
The other thing that cripples the NHS is the fact that we think there is a pill for everything.
We are not encouraged to take responsibility for our own health.We are not encouraged to think

We have been encouraged to accept the nannification(not sure if that is a word or if I have made it up) of the state.
Being that the state will tell us what to do.
I rarely visit the doctor…not just because I cannot get an appointment, I prefer not to have my old age medicalised. I do not want to be taking pills that are supposed to,protect me against something that only MIGHT happen.
I do not want to put money into the pockets of big Pharma because I do not trust their ethos.
Again it is all about money…ALL of it.

lettie 13-07-2023 18:29

Re: Over worked doctors ?
I'm totally with you on this Margaret. I refuse to take pills for something that I might not develop eg. Statins. I am more than happy to be vaccinated and have had many over my career, none of which caused me any issues. However, I do not want to go down the road of 'a pill for everything'.

I was asked by our practice nurse, during my smear, how I was coping with menopause and if I needed owt to help. My answer was it's normal, I eat well and exercise to the best of my ability and try to keep my weight down (I do bulk up for winter though). I feel generally okay and couldn't give a stuff about medicalising my menopause.. Now if they offered me a solution for my bulging discs, arthritic spine and bone marrow oedema of my hip I'd snatch their hands off :D

Margaret Pilkington 13-07-2023 19:13

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Lettie I think we might be a branch off the same tree.
You are taking responsibility for your health so that you need fewer interventions.
I hope you get sorted out for the problems you are having.

Isn’t it bad when you have given your all to the NHS and then when you need help…it isn’t there?

For me it was my other half who needed the help…I have only found the Blackpool heart team to hold their end up.
The care (or lack of care) from the hospital that I gave my working life to, was appalling and I lost confidence and faith in their ability to keep him safe…let alone help him to recover.

Margaret Pilkington 13-07-2023 19:21

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Maybe the answer to a lot of the problems would be to make it so that Doctors only got paid if they had seen a patient.
Maybe then Doctors would vie for the chance to see patients…diagnose illness, organise referrals.
Currently they get paid for every patient on their list….so I am cheap to keep because I do not go to the GP unless I am dying..or feeling like I am close to it.
GP practices are a business…there to make money, not look after sick people.

taddy 15-07-2023 08:51

Re: Over worked doctors ?
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington

Isn’t it bad when you have given your all to the NHS and then when you need help…it isn’t there?

Last week an ambulance turned up for a lady who lives opposite, she is in her 80s, wheel chair bound, she even has to sleep in it, she has carers and her relatives coming every day; me and Hazel also keep an eye on her.
When she had not returned home after a couple of days Hazel rang her daughter to see if her mum was alright, the answer was, Quote "my mother was left on a trolley in the hospital corridor for 48hours". The said daughter stayed with her until a bed was finally found.

N.H.S. Should read N.R.H.S. No Rush Health Service, I could put it stronger than that but I don't like profaning the English language.

Margaret Pilkington 15-07-2023 09:23

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Taddy that is how it is. I have had two very recent experiences of this kind of treatment.
It does not instil any kind of confidence in the service.
Ans it is not the fault of the staff(well, not in the main) it is the fault in the system.
It is overwhelmed. Often by people who should not be there.

These people who should not be there are there because the GP service is not fit for purpose.

Tell this lady's Daughter to contact Martin Hodgson. He is the chief exec of ELHT.
Tell her to tell him of her experience and ask him if he would want his family to be treated in such a cavalier way.

Exile on Spencer St 15-07-2023 11:18

Re: Over worked doctors ?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1273038)

Tell this lady's Daughter to contact Martin Hodgson. He is the chief exec of ELHT.
Tell her to tell him of her experience and ask him if he would want his family to be treated in such a cavalier way.

He needn’t worry about such things, Margaret; if he doesn’t have it as part of his (over) generous executive salary package he can probably easily afford private cover.

Margaret Pilkington 15-07-2023 15:12

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Yes, I know.
And can you imagine the stir in A&E if they said ‘Martin Hodgson’s mother is coming in by ambulance’.

When my other half was left on a trolley for 21 hrs ten days after discharge from Blackpool after having heart by pass surgery(essential heart medications omitted during that time, so his safety compromised),

I sent Martin Hodgson an email that documented his experience and outlined my concerns.
I told him that their logo lied….the care was not safe, it was not effective and it was not personal…that my husband had neither his confidentiality or his dignity preserved or respected.
Within two hours I had one of his senior team members on the phone to me.
Yes there were apologies, but apologies mean nothing when someone you care about had their life put in danger by poor care.

Margaret Pilkington 15-07-2023 15:30

Re: Over worked doctors ?
If anyone requires the E-mail address of the Chief Exec of ELHT here it is:-
[email protected]

If you or someone you know has had poor treatment, then I would suggest you let this man know.

Margaret Pilkington 18-07-2023 08:46

Re: Over worked doctors ?
I have just been listening to the news about the Bibby Stockholm.
The barge that is due to become home to 500 single male migrants.
Now I hear you saying ‘what has that got to do with overworked Doctors?

Well this barge will have the services of a doctor on the barge five days per week.
So there will be no difficulty for these incomers, who have contributed nothing to the NHS.
They will not have any kind of wait…oh yes there will be a dentist at their beck and call too.

I am not being racist or xenophobic in making this comment.
I am just reflecting on how unfair this is to those who live in the Portland area who cannot get a GP appointment or see a dentist when they have paid into the system all their lives.

cashman 18-07-2023 16:57

Re: Over worked doctors ?
I think its typical of what the N.H.S. has become NOW.these junior docs,seemto me NOT TO CARE WHO DIES. whilst they are after 35 per cent, thats my take on it.

taddy 18-07-2023 17:44

Re: Over worked doctors ?
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1273072]I have just been listening to the news about the Bibby Stockholm.
The barge that is due to become home to 500 single male migrants.
Now I hear you saying ‘what has that got to do with overworked Doctors?

Well this barge will have the services of a doctor on the barge five days per week.
So there will be no difficulty for these incomers, who have contributed nothing to the NHS.
They will not have any kind of wait…oh yes there will be a dentist at their beck and call too.

I am not being racist or xenophobic in making this comment.
I am just reflecting on how unfair this is to those who live in the Portland area who cannot get a GP appointment or see a dentist when they have paid into the system all their lives.

Marge, you are so absolutely correct in what you are saying that I wish that I had thought of it myself, (honestly).

Margaret Pilkington 18-07-2023 18:44

Re: Over worked doctors ?
Taddy, it just seems so wrong that the residents of Portland will have 500 single men dumped on their doorstep….that these will have all their health needs met while the population of Portland can go whistle for a GP appointment or dental care.
Something ar$3 uppards about all this.

RainbowSix 18-07-2023 21:04

Re: Over worked doctors ?
I have given up wanting to see a doctor, I'm in pain because of a back injury but in the past 2+ years not 1 medical person has actually touched my back to see where the problem is.
They just make assumptions over the phone and give me tablets to hide the pain.
Attempts to get an MRI have failed twice thanks to their useless booking system.

I think I'll turn to weed for some pain killer, never had it but I hear it's good for taking pain away.
At least I can get that quickly and easily :)

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