Thread: Gun Control
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Old 22-07-2012, 20:31   #1
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Gun Control

Interesting to see the reaction in the US to the shootings in the cinema in Colorado.

A nutcase is able to buy four guns and 6,000 rounds of ammunition over the internet, perfectly legally and above board.

Any right minded person would immediately ask why, and how do we prevent it from happening again. But apparently not the American public. They are satisfied with the current gun laws, and the Presidential candidates would run a mile before calling for reform.

Fair enough. The victims and their families may get our sympathy, but lets not waste any sympathy whatsoever on such a sick country. Seems like they get the leaders they deserve.

We have had our gun tragedies over here, but at least we have reacted by tightening the gun laws, and apart from on a few thoroughly dodgy Council estates in Manchester and Liverpool, we are gun free.

Lets be grateful for that!
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