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Old 27-07-2012, 22:31   #89
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Re: Olympics have officially Begun - But...

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I was getting a running commentary on an international forum I use

I paste below comments made -

"I'm waiting for the parade of knife wielding chavs clutching bottles of buckfast tonic wine. Yeah i agree so far it's full of sterotypes and it's embarrassing

I'm kind of seeing rich bankers destroy country...nothing new

I could do with not seeing the "dancing industrialists" and their weak moves again. They're like dads dancing at a wedding

Christ, this is embarassing. British people aren't really like this. Honest!

England, I'm sorry, but this is like watching Blazing Saddles. I can't get anything but amused....and I'm laughing as I'm typing here and watching on the other screen. It's all to over the top stereotype and over the top absurd.God... laughing is all I can do.

So what are all the hospital beds symbolizing? Future plague or something? Really bizarre....

Oh..there is Mary Poppins.. ...flying in with umbrellas. (I wish I were kidding)

LOL. I see a paedo with a chariot collecting kids.

About the tree of life symbology definetely could tie in with peter pans neverland where any humans go there live forever. The dancing with the kids on trampling beds and nurses is crazy, now there dark ninjas and what seems like a 100 foot grim reaper conducting the choreography , now dozens of marry poppens flating around and ninja backflip mahen,, they look like ninjas,, the freak did i just see?

It's taken a bit of a dark turn. There's now a 40-foot paedo, and nurses making weird handsigns. No idea what all this is about.

I was joking when I said I expected Mary Poppins to appear at any moment. It was a laugh at the extreme, goofy..corny stereo typing.

She really DID come...following a BUNCH of little Dick Van Dykes flying in on unbrellas. (slaps forehead)If only I were kidding.. I wish I were.

chariots of fire ...classic but with mr.bean good god they desperate

What is this guys? It's cultural or something. I don't recognize anything but to say it looks like an English version of High School Musical or something

rocket guys with jet packs.....popping glitter bombs...and thats absolutely all the meaning I got from that? What am I missing? This has to make more sense for the British here, doesn't it?

Jack in the box guy after a bender??

Vomit time. Damn, this is gross."
Very funny Margaret...

I was expecting Bilbo Baggins and the hobbit clan to jump out of that grass mound (Glastonbury Tor) but we did have a gold ring that turned into 5 (symbol of the 5 elements) so we got close to Lord of the Rings!
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