Thread: Heros
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Old 29-07-2012, 11:42   #18
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
And you actually think they will gynn
I would like to think they will be as interested in the answer as much as anyone else. There is nothing to be gained by being rude to the widow of one of the acknowledged experts on the PALS, and failing to invite another to the meeting. So why was it done?

I can probably save the councillors the trouble, and answer for them, knowing the way such things work at HBC.

Mrs Turner won't have been told the meeting had been changed because nobody thought to tell her. As long as the councillors are informed, nobody else seems to matter to officers. A profuse apology is needed.

Walter won't have been invited because whoever was organising the meeting doesn't have the first clue about the Accrington PALS, and didn't think to do their homework.
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