Thread: Heros
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Old 01-08-2012, 14:27   #34
dusty mears

Re: Heros

Having quickly scanned through some of the comments on here I am appauled and offended, but not surprised by some of the usual negative, snidi, nonsense from the usual posters, quick to comment about things they know nowt about and slag off others.
There was absolutely no disrespect, hidden agenda, etc, etc, towards Mrs Turner. It was a genuine oversight and human error. Yes, human error. The meeting time was changed to accommodate ME - an unpaid (working full time) volunteer, who had to take time off work to attend the mtg (and wasnt going to miss it) and not knowing how long it would go on for, was conscious of having to get to work too. Most of those present were/are on email, so mass communication at the press of a button, easy. Mrs Turner was apologised to by the Officer who had arranged the mtg, as did Cllr Pritchard.
It was very clear to me the purpose of the meeting, direction/s to go in, batt ideas about, who's doing what tasks, identify anyone else who might have constructive input to be invited.
It was the first meeting of the group, no one's been excluded, no hidden agendas, no preconceived ideas, etc, etc, etc. Yes, known interested & obvious individuals were invited along.
I do not profess to be a Pal's expert, only a mere relative of one, but was there as a community volunteer with lots of ideas, which i put forward, together with 3 handcrafted models. Blue peter at it's best with double sided sticky tape, staples and card ! Some of these ideas I've had burning a hole in my brain for some years and this is the ideal opportunity to try and make them a reality.
The Council are keen to honour the centenary of the Battle of the Somme and the build up to 01/07/2016. They have asked for community involvement and ideas - they do not claim and never do, to know all about the Pals.
Father hasnt been ignored, over looked or anything else. Cllr Dwyer spoke with him twice and asked him twice to come along but he didnt want to.
Father - I briefed you after the meeting and since about what's gone/going on. The meeting was 16 July. LET are a bit behind as usual.
Cllr Parkinson doesnt do passing of book, he's a genuine, sincere chap with the good of Hyndburn at heart. He doesnt do show boating or blowing own trumpets- not his style.
Doing nothing achieves nothing and that's not an option. So constructive input and comment welcome to make the centenary a success. It's easy to sit a criticise. Actually doing something constructive and contributing requires a little more effort !
We are the most famous town in the world and I want the world to be reminded of that - we got a mention at the Olympics opening ceremony for chuffing out loud.
The further you go, the less you know

Last edited by dusty mears; 01-08-2012 at 14:34.
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