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Old 14-08-2012, 23:48   #16
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Re: Virus

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Wiccan Three-Fold Law *

"The Three-Fold Law is pagan Karma.

Karma is simply an acknowledgement that choices have repercussions. Not least of which is the energy generated by the choice.

If you will hurt someone in anger, you generate anger first in yourself. (For an exploration of how this works, see the article onBlack Magic.)

Then you transfer it to someone else . . . and the ripples spread throughout the world. Maybe this is why it's called Three-fold.

But the tricky bit is . . . At each step, your anger hurts you .

Anger is unhealthy - this is well-known in medicine and psychology. Anger is linked with many fatal diseases, like heart attacks and cancer.

Hurting someone else makes you feel bad about yourself, if only on subconscious levels. You know in your hidden heart that you have done wrong, and so you lose respect and trust in yourself.

As you send out anger, making people around you angry, what do you think you are going to encounter later on? Anger! The ripples of your choices always return to you.

In the big picture, the energy of that anger is creating suffering for all beings. After millennia of this energy swamping our planet, we find anger leading quite possibly to our extinction.

The spiritual fact is that if anger is an issue in your life, you magnetically draw more of it towards you. Like attracts like.

Much more than anyone else, we harm ourselves by hurtful thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Revenge and resentment look rather foolish from that perspective, don't they?

This is the Three-Fold Law in action. "

Even if you aren't a pagan, it sounds right.
So who started the first Karma then Margaret and at what time in History?
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