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Old 06-09-2012, 11:28   #523
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
You mean like the assumption that drug addicts who fund their habit through crime, would be involved in criminal activity regardless?

I didn't say (do I really need to keep repeating this) that it never happens, it does, I am saying that the numbers that do are overstated to try to make a point (taking drugs is bad). If you have issue with my argument let me further point out (again) that the original quote came form the ex-chief constable of Middlesbrough, himself an avid anti-drugs believer.
Also, Garinda, I never got round to discussing your point yesterday about prostitution and drugs (I was urgently called away and couldn't finish the post).
There are women of all ages who go into prostitution because of drugs, that is an undeniable fact and all the more sad for it, but prostitution has been around for thousands of years without the help of drug use, as they say, it is the oldest profession in the world.
Let me point out a few facts:
  • Sociological studies have found that most prostitutes are not drug addicts - they go into it for a whole number of reasons.
  • Most female drug addicts do not become prostitutes (I have known very many female drug users and, without exception, not one has turned to prostitution).
  • Some women (contrary to popular belief) actually don't mind being "on the game", it is seen as easy money from hapless punters who can't get laid in any other way, in fact many people believe that, if it weren't for prostitution the instance of rape would increase dramatically.
  • Some prostitutes have (see my original post about criminals and drugs) have become drug addict after being prostitutes.
  • Prostitution was at it's highest in the this country in Victorian times when families were so skint that the wife would be forced into prostitution to help supplement her husbands poor income.
Drug use is a lifestyle choice and, although I would not advocate it, should be left to the individual to decide if it is for them. As for the crime connection, and undoubtedly there is one, however tenuous, we have laws to punish those who chose to participate in any anti-social or criminal behaviour without punishing those who simply want to get on with their own lives, with no interference from those who would force their own morals onto others.
These are my principles and if you don't like them------well, I have others. (Groucho Marx)
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