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Old 24-10-2012, 10:04   #47
Whalley Red
Full Member+

Re: York City Match Thread........

There was certainly effort in evidence last night, but apart from one low cross into the six-yard box in the first half, we never really looked like scoring a goal.

The whole team (apart from Bavs) looked low on confidence last night. Too many times, it was a cause of kick the ball up-field and hope. Whenever there were some neat passing triangles, we always looked to then pass it back to one of our defenders or hoof it up-field.

Maybe it is the system that we play - with a lack of confidence, our players can't seem to find another red shirt and so kick it long where our sole striker has little chance of keeping it.

My question: is it time to go back to 4-4-2?

Of the two holding midfielders, Joyce can't find his own team mate when put under pressure and Miller looks very composed on the ball, but appears a little lightweight physically.

Of the three attacking midfielders, Boco and Molyneux play so wide that it leaves Hatfield exposed in the middle and easily over-run.

Of our lone striker, Podge does really well considering the distribution to him - how often does he get the ball to his feet so he can lay it back to Hatfield and build a move?

Chippendale has looked very good when he has played, always able to get in a cross but with just Podge in the middle, it is almost always a wasted ball. Chris Turner wasn't able to get a game in this formation and I think that will also be the case with Chippendale.

My team/formation:

...................Dunbavin....................... .......




One player that we are missing IMO is Andy Procter. Luke Joyce was at his best alongside him; I expect George Miller would play better with someone so combative in the middle with him.

The other issue is that without Bavs being so brilliant so far this season, we would be in real trouble right now
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