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Old 18-12-2012, 09:31   #1
I am Banned

Wandering off thread

I have no problem with any contributors entering into lively, pithy controversial debates or postings but it the posters who dilute others threads for no purpose other than self-aggrandisement I rail against.
It’s not Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, PMQ’s or a dynamic tap room debate here on the Accrington Web where a heckler throws in a verbal bomb and one goes “ Wow did they really say that” or “wish I had thought of that” people chuckle and “pfft” the comments are off into the ether and the debate continues on.
On here it’s not so transient, some jolly troll throws in their banal comment and it sits there on the thread forever, that’s unless Mick the Mod redacts it. The troll goes off to change his incontinence pad, replace the sand paper in his budgies cage, checks the tyre pressures on his mobility scooter and zooms off to Asda ** for more supplies of the same, all the while patting himself on the back for his wit and urbanity.
A newbie coming on to this site only sees the narrow picture and hey don’t get me wrong there are some absolute nuggets and gems on here and it is worth mining into some threads for just that but in a changing world where people’s attention spans are in increasing demand, dilution by these trolls is doing the pages an injustice. People just haven’t the time or patience these days.
I think there should be a section in the Fun Forums called the Rickety Rackety Bridge, sub sectioned Where Trolls Come out to Play. They can snipe, carp and snigger to their own folk on their own threads then.
** Other supermarkets are available
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