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Old 03-01-2013, 16:36   #1
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Falkland Islands

It's always interesting to see UK politicians trying to juggle their desire to be seen as right-on modern day thinkers, whilst at the same time having to justify positions that have arisen from our gung-ho colonial past.

David Cameron is an intelligent man, so presumably he can see what a nonsense his comments about Falkland Islanders determining their own destiny are, because all the pro Argentine residents were expelled from the islands in the 19th century. Its like taking a vote on Blackburn's player of the year at Turf Moor.

The Argentine President is playing to the gallery by trying to get Britain to the negotiating table. There is an election there later in the year, and she sees votes in adopting an aggressive position.

In the end, nothing will happen. The Argentinians won't invade again, because there is no stomach for it, given what happened in 1982, and the Falklands will stay British.

Lets hope its all done without anybody getting hurt.
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