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Old 08-05-2013, 14:34   #12
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Has the UK become so desperate

Originally Posted by GEaston View Post
Get us out of the EU? You do realise that 60% of all UK trade is one with the EU, so like it or not we will be dealing with them. Thankfully John Major kept us out of financial union with them (probably his only achievement, but an achievement nonetheless) so we currently have he best of both worlds, just doesn't feel like it.

If we cut ourselves off from he EU our country would be on economic par with North Korea. We'd be left with financial services (poison chalice if ever there was) and cutting hair.

Don't bank on an independent Scotland revitalising either their economy or ours!
You think that the trade with the EU would no longer happen if we left this overblown money-eating organisation?
If you truly do think that then you are deluded.
The EU does us no favours when it comes to trade.
Regulations are passed by the EU bureaucrats and theGB follows them slavishly often to their detriment, the french...well they choose which rules will benefit them and ignore the rest(with impunity).

Nigel Lawson was once in favour of the Eu, and even he is saying we need to get out...and quickly.
The architect of the single currency is now saying it is the biggest detriment to economic recovery...that places like Spain, Portugal and Italy should return to their original currencies, devalue and trade their way out of recession.

When the Uk joined the EEC(as it was then) in 1973, Western Europe accounted for 38.5% of world trade/ that figure 24%, the projections for the future suggest that by 2020 this will fall to something in the region of the trade agreement which is what the organisation was about in 1973 has dwindled and so has our share of it....because God forbid if Britain tried to negotiate trade agreements outside the EU(as Switzerland is currently doing - negotiating trade deals with China) the Eu common trade policy forbis us to do this.

Nick Clegg, just yesterday was scaremongering. Telling us that our exit would cost three million jobs...this is balderdash and is based on a report which is a decade old and even the author of this research now says it is wrong.

The EU hates Britain(and Britain has very little influence).......but nowhere near as much as I hate the EU and anything to do with it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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