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Old 15-05-2013, 11:10   #81
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Bedroom tax - targeting the poorest.

Originally Posted by GEaston View Post

Why do I attack you Less? Because you attacked mouse in a way that I thought was unwarranted, out of order, and disrespectful to your former profession. You are so used to the way that you act that you believe it to be normal. But then you also believe in wizards......

I've no desire to be part of any clique, and while you believe I am in a minority of one, I receive plenty of support in my points against you via PM and email. That would not be the case if you were the nice person that you profess to be, and for which I can find no evidence of.
There you go again, using inaccuracies, what exactly do you think my former profession might be?

So you have support through PM's and emails you claim?

Could I not claim the same?

I'm not answering your supporters real or otherwise, I'm answering you.

I really don't care if you don't find me a nice person, I do care for the people that get a raw deal just because they are being used as scapegoats for the Countries woes.

Surely single people on benefits have lost far less for this Country than say, bankers have?

Yet they are being targeted as the miracle cure for our economy.

Now, will you or won't you stop trying to use me to justify your existence and actually post something worthwhile to the site rather than try to get pointers from local folk about buildings you may or may not want to purchase?

I think it time this thread went back on track, perhaps it's time the mods did some gardening and remove this petty backbiting that you seem so keen to continue?

Perhaps you would prefer it if I too made the ultimate sacrifice, just to make your nasty little world that little bit better?

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Winnie the Pooh
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