Thread: the railways
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Old 06-06-2013, 03:20   #48
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Re: the railways

I'm not saying that rail in the UK is any good now, but I don't have rosy memories of happy customers prior either.

I see that you were happy when it was run by the state, but if it were up to you you would resurrect British Leyland....... As I recall you couldnt even admit they were rubbish. Produced garbage cars that were as poorly designed as they were badly engineered.

At least in my piece I said that it's bad now, and was bad before, and the issue is not ownership but management. On the ownership point there are only a few examples of where govt ownership makes sense. In rail I'm unsure which is best. If you look at state ownership of rail around the world you can see some spectacular examples of it going wrong - like in China for example. In other places it works - Singapore and Taiwan being a couple that spring to mind.

In England I think the UK rail system is massively overpriced for the service they deliver. That's probably the only point we'll ever agree on Stan
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